Antique Coffee Grinder

Vintage Dienes Coffee Grinder

Vintage Dienes Coffee Grinder
Vintage Dienes Coffee Grinder
Vintage Dienes Coffee Grinder
Vintage Dienes Coffee Grinder
Vintage Dienes Coffee Grinder
Vintage Dienes Coffee Grinder
Vintage Dienes Coffee Grinder
Vintage Dienes Coffee Grinder
Vintage Dienes Coffee Grinder

Vintage Dienes Coffee Grinder

1950's Top of the line, Lap Grinder. 5" x 5" x 8 not counting knob. The curves on the side are made for the grinder to be held between your legs, just behind the knees.

Makes an excellent cup of coffee. Does not burn the beans like modern high speed grinders.
Vintage Dienes Coffee Grinder